Felelős Vállalkozás Újbuda elismerő címet nyert az evopro
Újbuda Önkormányzata Felelős Vállalkozás Újbuda címben részesítette közepes vállalkozás kategóriában az evopro Systems Engineering Kft-t, a cégcsoport belső CSR tevékenységének támogatásáért.
A díjat immáron ötödik alkalommal osztották ki olyan XI. kerületi vállalatok között, amelyek aktívan és cselekvően tesznek a társadalomért, a környezetért, a munkavállalókért, felelősséget éreznek a jövő generációjáért mind tágabb, mind szűkebb környezetükben.

European Business Awards - Leginnovatívabb cég díja
Az RSM támogatásával megrendezett, legjelentősebb európai üzleti versenynek számító, és egyben a világ legnagyobb, határokon és üzletágakon átívelő üzleti megmérettetése az European Business Awards immár 11. alkalommal indult el, hogy a pályázó cégek közül a neves szakmai zsűri kiválaszthassa azon társaságokat, amelyek működése példa értékű. Az évente megújuló verseny során minden országban kategóriánként kerül kiválasztásra egy-egy vállalat, amely a nemzeti bajnoki címet megszerezve bizonyíthatja sikerességét. Több ezer európai vállalkozás között mintegy száz magyar vállalat szállt versenybe idén, ezek közül választotta ki a szakmai zsűri a legjobbnak ítélt cégeket. Büszkék vagyunk, hogy az Evopro group a díjazottak közé került, megnyerve a Leginnovatívabb cég kategória nemzeti fordulóját.

International Innovation Award 2016 - honourable mention
The electric drive bus family got a honourable mention from the jury of the XXV. Hungarian Innovation Grand Prize. The committee evaluated not only the technical and economic benefits of innovation in 2016, but also its originality, social utility and novelty. The recognitions were handed over on March 29 at the Parliament.

Innovation Grand Prize 2015
An evaluation committee of experts invited by the board of trustees of the Hungarian Association for Innovation awarded the 24th Innovation Grand Prize to the dynamic railway load measurement and diagnostic system designed by the engineers of evopro. The eRDM system is the result of a nation-wide world-class development that allows transport management and maintenance planning, plus it also significantly increased revenue and provided additional profit to the companies involved in its development and manufacturing.

Innovations in Quality 2015
Several member companies of the evopro group have won awards at this year's competition in Hungary. The electric drive bus family took part in the international round of the competition too, and won the Quality Innovation grand prize among mid-, and small sized company category. The award ceremony of the European Organization for Quality was held in Tallinn in January, 2016.

Dénes Gábor Award 2015
Csaba Mészáros, electrical engineer, and founder, owner and president of the internationally acclaimed evopro group has received the Dénes Gábor Award. He was recognized primarily for his innovative organizational activities that created jobs in Hungarian R&D and built out manufacturing capacity; and for founding the evopro group which has been successful in many countries. He was also honored for his guiding work on the electric drive bus family and its charging infrastructure, and for the development of a railway diagnostic system.

Budapest Brand 2014
Budapest Municipality of Budapest General Assembly founded the Budapest Brand in 2013 with the aim to collect the values and value-creating activities in the capital, which are taken to Budapest's reputation within the country's borders and beyond. The evopro group was awarded in September 2014 with the Budapest Brand Award for its innovative projects and for creating environmently friendly transportation systems.

Hungarian Quality Product Award® 2014
The goal of the Hungarian Quality Product Award® Tender – which was held for the 17th time this year – is to recognize companies whose products or services are of exceptional quality, where innovation and exports play a key role in the production and sales of those products, the latter of which is also a basis for creating new jobs. Dr. Roland Mengyi, vice president of the Economic Committee of the National Assembly of Hungary has presented the award to evopro Innovation Ltd. for the creation of their dynamic railway diagnostics system called eRDM.

4 Awards for Innovations in Quality 2015
Several member companies of the evopro group were recognized in the Hungarian round of the “Quality Innovation of the Year 2015” international competition. The composite structure bus family won first place in the mid-, and small sized company category. Maform Ltd., which focuses on industrial design, won the new “Innovative Company” award in the micro-enterprise category, and their design product, the “paq chair” has also received a Certificate of Merit. The dynamic railway diagnostic system of evopro Innovation Ltd. has received similar recognition.